Store Level > Payment Methods > Points Programs > Users Tab

This tab allows you to select users for the program, adjust their points by adding or subtracting, and set expiration dates for points if desired.


Select Program

To add users to a program or edit users that belong to a program, click the Select Program drop down to choose which program you want to update.

This will display the Manage Program Users section of the screen and the Add Users to a Program button will display.


Add Users

To add users to a program you will click the +Add users to a Program button. This will take you to another screen that will allow you to choose with user(s) you want to add to the program. You can choose one or multiple by selecting the box next to the users name. If you want to select all users click the box next to Select. 

Once you have selected the user(s) you want to add to the program you will then need to click the Add Selected Users in the lower right corner of the screen to save the changes. 

Once you have added the users to the program, click the Back button to return to the Users tab.


Manage Program Users

Managing Multiple Users

If you want to makes updates to multiple users you can do so by utilizing the following fields:

  • Awarding points to all Users on this page - This field will allow you to add the amount of points that will be applied to all users on that page. If you need to add the same number of points for all users and have multiple pages, you will need to complete this action on each page. The points will display in the +/- Points column of the user grid once you click the Add button.
  • Set expiration date to all Users - This field will allow you to set an expiration date for the users points. It will apply to all points for all users. The expiration date will display in the Expiration column of the user grid once you click the Add button.
  • Add comment to all Users - This field will allow you to add a comment to all users. You can use this comment to note why points are being given to the users. The comment will display in the Comment column of the user grid once you click the Add button. This comment will display on the Point Transaction Log Report.

Manage Individual Users

If you want to manage an individual user you can do so using the fields to the right of their name, email address, and total points. 

  • +/- Points - Enter the amount of points you would like to add to the user in this field.
  • Expiration - Enter an expiration date for the individual user.
  • Comment - Add a comment for the individual user.

For any changes made in the Manage Program Users section, you will need to click Save to commit any of the changes to the system.



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