Store Level > Products > Add Product using ASI Search > Storefront Tab

Use the Storefront interface to finalize the presentation of your product on the Storefront.

Here, you can incorporate a tagline banner, choose associated products, set visibility parameters for various groups, and establish extra rules for order quantities.

(For custom products, see Store Level > Products > Create a Custom Product > Storefront Tab)

video icon.pngVIDEO: Adding a Product from the ASI Product Search

1 The header section displays the product's current status in the store (Draft, Active, or Archive), along with the product name and ID, which includes a link to its catalogue page when available. It also indicates the active tab you are currently using.
2 Tagline Banner Use this field to define the product tagline and how it will appear on the Storefront.
3 Related Products This list includes products designated as related items, which will be visible on the Storefront for shoppers to view. By default, this option is unchecked.
4 Bidirectional Link Checking this box will cause both products to be displayed as related items to each other.
5 Add Related Products Clicking on this box will bring up a screen, allowing you to choose from the available products to add to your list.
6 User Visibility Groups User groups are defined under Store Level > Products > Product/Category Visibility Group Codes. These codes can be used to create group names, which can then be assigned to the storefront to restrict product visibility to specific groups within the same storefront.
7 Order Quantity This feature allows you to set maximum purchase quantity limits per order or time period. Please note that minimum order quantities can be established in the Pricing tab, where they may also be associated with price breaks.

mceclip7.png Remember to click "Save" at the bottom of the screen to confirm your changes and complete the process.


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