Store Level > Products > Import > SKU Tab

Use this screen to add or verify SKUs for imported and custom products. You will also verify that products/variants are active on the storefront and define whether or not the product should be inventoried. Also see the Product and Storefront Status Guide for quick reference.

(For custom products, see Store Level > Products > Create a Custom Product > SKU Tab)

video icon.pngVIDEO: Adding a Product from the ASI Product Search

1 The header area shows the current status of the product in the store (Draft, Active, or Archive), the product name and ID with a link to the product catalogue page (if available), and identifies the current tab you are working in. 
2 This area will provide tips and warnings about the data in the table. Warnings must be cleared before moving forward in the process.
3 Use this field to search and filter the table the appears below it. For example, you can type "s - " into the Search field to filter for that specific size, or you can type "blue" to find all items with that color.

Import SKUs If you already have the SKUs listed, click this button to upload the data to the system. Additionally, if you do not have customer SKUs assigned, this is a quick way to use a spreadsheet to create and assign customer SKUs.

mceclip7.png Note that Supplier SKU and Customer SKU are both required for a product to be visible and available on the storefront. Also see the Product and Storefront Status Guide for quick reference.


The Variant heading on the table can be used to select multiple variants at one time. When the box next the Variant is checked, the following fields will appear above the table, where you can select from available actions to apply to the selected variants.


Storefront Status indicates which product variants are Active or Inactive on the Storefront. You can change this status by clicking the pencil icon on the table, or, if you have selected a group of variants, you can make changes to the group as described in #5 above.

mceclip7.png Note that Storefront Status is not the same as the product status set in the Basic Details tab. Both statuses' must be Active for a product to be available for ordering on the storefront. Also see the Product and Storefront Status Guide for quick reference.


Inventoried indicates which product variants are marked to be inventoried for tracking purposes. You can change this selection by clicking the pencil icon on the table, or, if you have selected a group of variants, you can make changes to the group as described in #5 above.

Variants marked to be Inventoried will appear in the Inventory and Warehouse table.


Supplier SKU comes from integrated suppliers but is not visible to customers.

mceclip7.png Note that Supplier SKU and Customer SKU are both required for a product to be visible and available on the storefront. Also see the Product and Storefront Status Guide for quick reference.


Customer SKU is the number you assign to the product. This SKU is visible to the customer on the storefront.

mceclip7.png Note that Supplier SKU and Customer SKU are both required for a product to be visible and available on the storefront. Also see the Product and Storefront Status Guide for quick reference.


Click the pencil icon to open the Edit Variant screen where you can make changes to the selected variant, including:

  • Storefront Status
  • This variant is inventoried
  • Supplier SKU
  • Customer SKU

mceclip7.png Remember to click Update to apply your selections and close the screen.

mceclip7.png Remember to click "Go to Next Step" at the bottom of the screen to confirm your changes and proceed to the following tab.


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