Store Level > Products > Products

Quick Start icon.pngAdding products is the fifth step in the quick start process. Once this step is completed, you can proceed to set up payment methods.

Use this screen to search products using API, or to edit/duplicate/add/delete products.

video icon.pngVIDEO: Adding a Product from the ASI Product Search

video icon.pngVIDEO: Adding a Custom Product

Working with Products

To modify, copy, or remove a product, navigate to Products > Products at the store level and choose the desired action from the Action column in the product table. Utilize the search and filter features at the top of the page to find particular products.

To add a product at the store level, navigate to Products > Products, and then click on the 'Add a Product' button to either Search Products or Create a Custom Product.

1 Click Add a Product to Search Products or Create a Custom Product.
2 Use the search and filter features at the top of the screen to find specific products. Additionally, the dropdown menus at the column headers in the table can be used to further search and filter.

To edit, duplicate, or delete an existing product, click the corresponding icon in the Action column of the product table. Editing or duplicating a product will navigate you through the configuration screens.


Search Products

Use this feature to search for and incorporate ASI products.

Products imported via ASI come pre-configured, requiring only verification and possibly minor edits before being added to the storefront.

1 Click the Back button to return to the previous screen at any time.

Input your search criteria into one or more of the designated fields, then select 'Search' to display in the results field (#6). You may also refine your search with Filters (#5) and have the option to 'Save this search' (#4) for future use.

Click Clear to clear your search.


Saved searches are displayed here. Use the arrows to scroll through the cards.

mceclip7.png Note that only the original parameters are saved. Filters are not included with saved searches.


Save this search Click this button to save your search to the Saved Searched carousel. Use the forward/back icons (< >) in the top right to move through the saved searches.


Use Filters to refine your search.

mceclip7.pngFilters are not included with saved searches.


Results Note the quantity of results provided as you may want to further refine your search parameters based on the number.

Click See details on any product to view the product details (#7).


Product Details are provided in this field. Use the forward/back icons (< >) to move through the product images. Click Cancel to close the screen. Click Configure to open the configuration screens (#8).


Click Configure to open the configuration screens where you can configure and add the product to your storefront:


Create a Custom Product

From the Main Screen at the Store level, select Products > Products and then click Add a Product to begin the process of configuring products and adding them to the Storefront.

Note that this is the same process for configuring ASI imported products, with the exception that ASI imported products are pre-populated with editable information.

The screens are:


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