PopUp Store Quick Start

Before you get started

This Quick Start guide details how to set up different types of PopUp Stores.

Before you start creating stores, you should set up your Account Settings and Users. Click on the links below to open each article in a new tab, then return to this Quick Start to create a store.

Take a minute to read the PopUp Stores Overview article to better understand how PopUp Stores works.

  • Account > Settings: Add your organization's contact details and select global account settings, including payment gateway credentials and sales tax (Primary System Administrator Only -- see User Types in the Manage Existing Users article).
  • Account > Edit Homepage: Here you can upload a logo, select colors and define universal settings for your homepage. See the Storefront Map to understand how these selections are applied. You can also preview your Homepage by clicking View Homepage.
  • Users: Use this screen Invite your team members to join your workspace by adding them to your user list. There are three different types of users, each with different abilities and view. See User Types and Permissions for more information.

Quick Start applies after the set-up process is complete. 

How to Create a New Store

There are 5 steps to creating a new store:

To begin the process, click on Create New Store, and follow the on-screen prompts.

Step 1: Editing Store Page Appearance

To get started, select Create a New Store in the top navigation menu and begin with Step 1.

  1. Enter your store’s name in the Name of this Store field.
  2. Enter the Header Text, which will appear at the top of the store’s page below the header bar. The character count is 55 characters. This will also appear on the access code page, if enabled in Step 2.
  3. Upload a logo for the store by clicking Upload and selecting a .png or .jpg file from your computer or device. The logo will appear on the store above the header bar. It will also appear on the access code page, if enabled later in Step 2: Store Description. The logo should be at least 100 pixels by 100 pixels.
  4. Add your Feature Image to the page by selecting Upload in the Upload Image section. The image should be 700 pixels wide and 466 pixels high and between 600kb and 1200kb. If the image your image exceeds these dimensions, you will have to crop the image in the popup window that will appear.
    • To use a Feature Video instead of a feature image, click Video and enter a YouTube or Vimeo link in the text box.
  5. Enter a Short Description of This Store in the text field, not to exceed 155 characters. The description will appear directly below the Feature Image or Video and below the Header Bar on the access code page if enabled.
  6. (Optional) If needed, enter a supplemental video link from YouTube or Vimeo in the Additional Video Link field. This will be displayed first in the gallery, if enabled.
  7. (Optional) If needed, in the Upload Gallery Images section, select Choose Files to select image files on your computer or device to be displayed in the gallery, if enabled.
  8. (Optional) If you will enable social media icons for shoppers to share a link to the pop-up shop in Step 2, the feature image or still of the feature video will be shared with that post. If you would like to include a different image, click Upload and select an image file to be shared in its place in the Upload Social Media Image section.
  9. Select the category of the store from the drop-down menu.
  10. In the Page Colors section, select your client's approved brand colors by entering the hex code in the text box or clicking the text box to use the color selector. Refer to the mockup on right for a preview.
  11. Select your Button text color. Use white text on dark colored buttons or black text on light colored buttons for high contrast and accessibility.
  12. Enter text that will displayed in the “About this Store" section of your shop in the Store Description field. Use the rich text editor to format as needed.
  13. Click Save and Continue.


Step 2: Enter Store Details

  1. Select your Store Type from the drop-down menu.
    • Sell Products and Accept Donations
    • Accept Donations Only
    • Sell Products Only
  2. Enter your store’s fundraising Goal Amount, if applicable. If you are not fundraising, enter 0.
  3. Enter the Store Contact Name. This is the contact person for customer inquiries.
  4. Enter the Store Contact Phone, which is the contact phone number that will appear: order confirmation screen and email
  5. Enter the Store Contact Email which will appear in order confirmation and Have a Question? section of the store.
  6. Determine if you will show prices and accept payment for your store by toggling the slider to enabled or disabled in the Price and Payments section.
    • If price and payments are disabled, you will then enter the maximum number of items a shopper is allowed per order in the Maximum Order Items field.
    • If a shopper’s cart has more than the allotted amount, when the shopper clicks Checkout they will receive the following message: "Maximum Number of Items in an order has been set to X. Please remove any extra items from your cart before proceeding."
  7. Determine if you will require an access code to enter the store.
    • No is the default,
    • To enable, slide the toggle to Yes, and enter the password or passphrase that shoppers will use for access. The access code is case sensitive, allows special characters and spaces, and has a limit of 50 characters.
  1. Enter the Store Page URL in the textbox after the organization domain.
  2. Determine if you want the store to be displayed on the organization’s marketing homepage by sliding the Store Visibility toggle.
  3. Determine Thermometer Visibility by sliding the toggle to Show or Hide
  4. Determine Gallery Visibility by sliding the toggle to Show or Hide
  5. Allow shoppers to leave visible comments on the store by sliding the Comments Visibility toggle to Show or Hide
  6. Determine if you want to display Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or email share icons by sliding the Social Share Icons on Live Page toggle to Show or Hide.
  1. Select the Button Text for your store:
    • Show your Support
    • Make a Purchase
    • Pick your Gift

Step 3: Identify Store Funds Manager/Recipient

  1. Enter the contact details for either the person that is creating the store or the client contact in Store Fund Manager Contact Details.
    • Name
    • Email
    • Phone
  1. (Optional) If you will be issuing a check to your client or on their behalf when the store ends, please complete the Check Details and Mailing Address Information.
  2. If you are not able to enter details on Step 3, please confirm that you have Payflow Pro credentials in your account settings. You may need to contact your Primary System Administrator.
  3. If you need to complete these details later, select Skip this Step.
    • Note: you must complete this step to publish your store.


Step 4: Build Your Store

Add Products

The following will detail how to add products to your store.

  1. Enter your Product Name
  2. Enter your Product Details in the rich text editor field. Do not exceed 350 characters.
  3. Enter the Product Price. This field will only be visible on the store if the price and payments are enabled in Step 2
  4. Enter the Product Cost, which is the cost of the item to the main client contact. The product cost must be less than or equal to the product price. The cost must also be greater than zero.
  5. Enter the Product SKU. This will be included in the shopper’s order confirmation.
  6. Enter the Product Color.
  7. Select the Product Type
    • Physical Product
    • Virtual Product
  8. Select the Product Category from the drop-down menu.
  9. (Optional) In the Minimum Order Requirement field, enter the minimum number of items that must be ordered for this product to be processed/produced. If the minimum number of items is not met, this item will be canceled on those orders.
  10. Select the yes or no radio button to determine if the shop will allow personalization. If yes, enter the directive prompt that shoppers will see with the personalization text field/box in the Create Personalization Prompt.
  11. (Optional) If your product has different sizes for the shopper to choose from, check the Does your item require a size variation? box.
    • In the drop-down menu in the Option column, select the sizes that will be available for the product. The sizes will appear in the order selected. If you need to rearrange the order, click and drag the desired size variation to the correct order. To delete a size, click the corresponding x in the Action column.
    • If your item has different prices for different sizes, click Add Price Variations. Enter the corresponding price next to the size.
    • If your item has different costs for different sizes, click Add Cost Variations. Enter the corresponding cost next to the size.
  1. Upload at least one image in JPG, PNG or GIF format for your product. The image should be at least 570 pixels wide.
  2. Click Continue.
  3. Click Add New Items to repeat the process for additional items or click Continue.


Select Store Shipping Options

  1. Select the shipping options that will be available to the shopper at checkout:
    • Ship directly to purchasers
    • Pickup at central location
    • Either
  2. Select the estimated process time from store close to delivery to the shopper from the drop-down menu

Ship Directly to Purchasers

  1. Enter the shipping price per order. This can be set to zero.
  2. If adding extra shipping costs per item, enter the amount in the shipping price field. If not, enter zero.

Pickup at central location

  1. Enter the Central Pickup Details
    • Handling Per Order – $0 if you will not be charging a handling fee
    • Pickup Dates and Times
    • Location Name
    • Address 1,
    • (Optional) Address 2
    • Country
    • City
    • State
    • Zip/Postal Code
    • Additional Notes (Optional)
  2. Enter the Bulk Shipment Details
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Address 1
    • Address 2
    • Country
    • City
    • State/Province
    • Zip/Postal Code


Complete the fields for shipping directly to the customer, central pickup details, and the bulk shipment details.

Step 5: Publish Your Store

To publish your store, both tasks in the Store Checklist must be completed.

Funds Merchant Details Approved?

To check the Complete checkbox next to “Funds Merchant Details Approved?” please complete the following:

  1. Click Add Merchant to go to Step 3, where you will add the Fund Merchant Details.
  2. Click Save and Continue.
  • If you are a store user, a system administrator will receive an email notification with a link to approve the fund’s manager details.
  • Any system administrator can log in and approve the funds recipient manager
    1. Log into Commercio
    2. Click Complete Setup on the task menu of the store that needs approval.
    3. Click Step 3
    4. If the Store Fund Manager Contact Details are approved, click Save and Continue.

Campaign End Date Set?

To select your store end date:

  1. Click Set End Date.
  2. Select the store end date on the calendar. The store end date cannot surpass 60 days (out.)
  3. Click Save End Date.

To edit store end date

  1. Click Change End Date.
  2. Select the new store end date on the calendar.
  3. Click Save End Date.
    • Note: The store end date can be edited even after a store has been published. Once a store has ended, it cannot be reopened, and the end date cannot be changed.

Helpful Tips

How to turn on Demo mode (Primary and System Administrators Only)

  1. Slide Demo mode toggle to On.
  2. When the demo mode disclaimer window pops up, click Great Let’s go.
  3. Click Publish Demo
  4. Click View Site to see the store’s page.
  5. To turn off demo mode, slide the toggle to Off.

How to Publish a Store

  1. Click Publish.
    • If the store checklist is not complete, you will not be able to publish.
    • If your store is in demo mode, you will not be able to publish.
  2. View Site.

Advanced Store Settings

Customer Additional Details

To collect additional information from customers at checkout, you can enable Custom Additional Details in the Advanced Store Settings.

  1. In Advanced Store Settings, click Edit.
  2. In the Customer Additional Details Section, slide the** Enable Custom Additional Details** toggle to Yes.
  3. Enter the prompt or questions in the text field.
  4. Determine if the shopper will be allowed to complete checkout without answering by selecting Required or Optional.
  1. In Advanced Store Settings, click Edit.
  2. Slide Enable Custom Footer to Yes.
  3. Enter the custom message in the rich text editor field.
  4. Click Save and Continue.


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