Store Level > Settings > Site Visibility and Security

Quick Start icon.pngSite Visibility and Security is step 3 in the quick start process. After completing this step, you are ready to define basic store settings.

This screen will appear when you create a store. You can return to this page at any time to change these settings for the store.

video icon.pngSite Visibility and Security Video


Visibility options apply to your customers and how you want them to interact with the Store.


Guest Checkout Login credentials will not be required to browse the site or add items to a cart. Customers will have the option to checkout without creating an account.

mceclip7.png If you select this option, you do not need to add people to the Store as Users.

2 Browse Before Login Login credentials will not be required to browse the site. Adding items to the cart will require the user to log in or create an account.

Login Before Browse Login credentials will be required to browse the site. A login/sign up page will be the first page that visitors will see when visiting the site.

mceclip7.png If you choose to have people Login, you can set up for the Store if they are already a User or if they can sign up to become a User.


Private Users must correctly enter a Store password before entering their login credentials and browsing the site.

mceclip7.png Return here and select this option if you want to prevent users from accessing the site while you are doing maintenance on the Store or for any other reason.


Operating Mode (Security)

Operating Mode options define whether or not your store is active. Select Test Mode to keep the store hidden from public view while you set it up and select Live Mode if you are ready for the store to go live.

Exclamation mark - Free signs icons A Store cannot go back into test mode after is goes live. If you need to perform maintenance on your Store after it has gone live, set the Store to Private using the Visibility options above. You can change the Visibility option back to your original selection when you are ready for customers to interact with your store once again.

1 Test Mode When a Store is first created, it is placed in test mode. While in this mode, you can test every facet of your market before making it live. If you accept credit cards in your Store, you can place an order without being charged for your purchase.
2 Live Once your Store has been customized, you can make it live. Once a Store is live, you’re effectively open for business! If you accept credit cards in your store, all purchases will be charged according to your credit card settings.



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