Store Level > Users > Invite or Create New User

1 Enter the Store User information here. 
2 Toggle to create a password that the user must enter to access the store.

Enter the shipping and billing address for the user (store customer) When these addressed are entered on the storefront, the is an option to mark them as residential or business. If business is marked, there is an option to include an organization name.


Select Product/Category Visibility User Group

Choose a Product/Category Visibility User Group for this user. This user will be able to see all products and categories assigned to the selected user group in addition to all unassigned products and categories. The user will not be able to see the products and categories assigned exclusively to other user groups. Add, remove, or edit Product/Category Visibility User Groups when editing a product or category.


Select Payment Method User Group

If multiple payment methods have been enabled in this Store, the dropdown will display all combinations of enabled methods. Select the payment method or methods that can be used by this user. Assign a User Group Code to each payment method and combination of methods in Payment Method Group Codes for easier user importing.


Select Pricing User Group

Choose a Pricing User Group for this user. This user will be able to see the product pricing that has been assigned to the selected user group and will see the default pricing for products that either do not have varied pricing by user group or have specific pricing for user groups other than the one selected for this user. Add, remove, or edit Pricing User Groups when editing a product.


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