Store Level > Products > Product Pricing Group Codes

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Product Pricing Group Codes allow you to override the sale price for specific groups. This is useful if you want to offer free or discounted items to a particular group. Group codes can be set up when adding a product, editing a product, or as described in this article. 

To access product pricing group codes, from the Store level select Products > Product Pricing Group Codes.


Set-up Product Pricing Group Names/Codes

Apply Pricing Group Names/Codes

Once you have added User groups, you are ready to apply group names/codes.

To apply group names/codes, from the Store level select Products > Edit Products.

Select the product to edit, then scroll down to Pricing and User Grouping and select Vary Pricing by User Group.

Select the user group(s) you want to use from the popup that appears.

Use the screen that opens to apply your overrides.


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