Org Level > Org Settings > Basic Settings

Use this screen to change information about your organization. For example, a new address, or a new name. Organization level settings are not client facing. 

video icon.pngVideo: Basic Settings

From the Main Screen at the Organization Level, select Organization Settings > Basic Settings.

Basic Settings Screen

As the name implies, this is where you enter the basic information for your organization.

The information you enter here is applied to all stores created under this organization.


Enter your organization's physical address and contact information.

mceclip7.png Note that your address dictates which currency your stores can accept. Canadian addresses accept Canadian currency and U.S. addresses accept U.S. currency.


Logo is an optional field. You can drag or upload an image that will appear as your company logo.

mceclip7.png The logo is internal only and is meant to help you when navigating in Company Stores.

3 Remember to click Save to apply your information before leaving the screen.


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